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Free Guitar Lessons ?

Updated: Apr 20, 2024

In all honesty the best way to learn is from a private instructor, (subtle name drop for my music school Avalon School of Music | Music School | Wylie, TX but in 2020, you will find the following channels are alive, and still posting excellent content:

Beginner level:

JustinGuitar - Excellent for beginners who are just learning how to play guitar.

creativeguitarstudio - Has a nice course structure to follow, and teaches music theory.

Move Forward Guitar - Good basics course to follow, and nice strumming exercises.

Andy Guitar - Great basics, and good at teaching beginner songs.

Intermediate level:

Your Guitar Academy - Learning scales and more advanced songs; power chords. - Guitar at Work. Nice collection of more advanced songs and useful techniques.

Learn to Play it Right - Guitar Lessons - Playing songs with tabs and demos of the correct way to play songs.

GuitarLessons365Song - Great instruction for intermediate and advanced players. Hundreds of songs with on screen demos of how to pay.

New Secret Guitar Teacher - Intermediate songs, easy to listen to and understand. Some fingerpicking techniques.

Advanced Level:

Kelly Dean Allen Guitar - Plays through the top 100 guitar solos of all time (ranked by Guitar World). Lots of more advanced lessons.

Levi Clay - Advanced country player with multiple books on Amazon.

Chris Zoupa - Shred guitar. Enough said. Knows his stuff.

Rick Graham - Advanced modal and arpeggio style playing. String skipping. - Zombie Guitar. Deeper dive into music theory and its application to guitar playing.

Classical Guitar Shed - Just what’s written on the tin. Classical guitar from the intermediate player to advanced levels.

Cheers all

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